When I was ten, I spent the whole winter in the village. I ran through the woods, stalking birds and learned various interesting details...
I think all the same rabbits, all cowards? No, rabbits are also different. Ask here's my little son, we just caught a brawler. We we...
Boys ravaged nest heaters, broke her testicles. From the broken shells fell naked slepenkie fledglings. Only one of the six testicles I ...
Old safecracker sat on the bench and tweedle. He loved music and he was trying to learn to play. Poor he came out, but the old man was p...
In the dense forest on the mountain it was as dark as the roof. But the moon came out from behind a cloud, and now sparkled, glittered s...
Kolhoznicy daughter Theodora all Arishki-called coward. Before the cowardly girl was - well, just a step from his mother! And the farm f...
Soon ten years Serge, Dima is not even six - Dima still can not Before Seryozhi grow! Poor Dima! He was younger! He envies Seryozha! B...
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In a certain kingdom, in some States, there lived a rich merchant, the eminent persons. A lot of it had all the wealth of luxury goods ov...
When I was ten, I spent the whole winter in the village. I ran through the woods, stalking birds and learned various interesting details...
Old safecracker sat on the bench and tweedle. He loved music and he was trying to learn to play. Poor he came out, but the old man was p...
One prince married the beautiful princess, and had not yet good look at her, do not have time to stop talking to her, not had time to h...
I think all the same rabbits, all cowards? No, rabbits are also different. Ask here's my little son, we just caught a brawler. We we...
Soon ten years Serge, Dima is not even six - Dima still can not Before Seryozhi grow! Poor Dima! He was younger! He envies Seryozha! B...
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