Scarlet Flower

In a certain kingdom, in some States, there lived a rich merchant, the eminent persons.

A lot of it had all the wealth of luxury goods overseas, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury; and that the merchant had three daughters, all three beauties Scripture and less best; and he loved his daughters most of his wealth, pearls, precious stones, gold and silver treasury - on the grounds that he was a widower and had no one to love him; He loved elder daughters, and a smaller daughter loved the most, because it was a better than anyone, and kinder to him.
That's going to the merchant for their trading business overseas, far away, in the kingdom of Far Far Away, tridesyatom state, and he says his amiable daughters:
- Daughter of my lovely daughter of my good, my daughters Prigogine, I am going to their Kupetsky for distant lands, in the Far Far Away kingdom tridesyatom state, and you never know how many times the carriageway - do not know, and discipline I have to live without me honest and still, and if you live without me honestly and quietly, then bring you these goodies, you are what you want, and I give you a date to think for three days, and then you tell me what goodies you want.

They thought they were three days and three nights and came to sovemu parent, and he began to ask them, what goodies wish. The eldest daughter bowed at the feet of his father and the first said to him:

- Sovereign you are my dear sir! Vozi not you give me gold and silver brocade or black sable fur or pearls burmitskogo; and you fetch me a crown of gold from stone semi-precious, and that was a light on them, both on a full month, as the red sun, and that was from a light in the dark night as by day white.

Fair merchant thoughtful and said afterwards:

- Well, my dear daughter, good and comely, I bring you such a crown; I know such a man of the sea, which would get me such a crown; and it is in one korolevishna overseas as well, and it is hidden in the pantry of stone, and a pantry that is in stone mountain, the depth of three fathoms, with the three iron doors, three locks of German. The work will be considerable: yes to my opposite the treasury not.

He bowed at his feet serednyaya daughter and says:

- Sovereign you are my dear sir! Not vozi you give me gold and silver brocade or black furs of sable, Siberian or pearl necklaces burmitskogo or gold crown semi-precious and fetch you to me tuvalet crystal east, whole, immaculate, to looking at it, I saw all the beauty of the Middle Kingdom and so, I look at him, I'm not old and used my maiden beauty adds.

Thoughtful and honest merchant, thinking you never know how many times, she said those words:

- Well, my dear daughter, I have a good comely, I'll get you such a crystal tuvalet; and it is the daughter of the king of Persia, a young korolevishna, beauty ineffable, indescribable and unexpectedly; and buried the tuvalet in teremu stone, high, and he stands on the mountain rock, the height of the mountains in three hundred fathoms, with seven doors, iron, behind seven locks German, and lead to teremu stages three thousand, and at each stage is for the soldier Persian, and day and night with drawn swords of Damascus, and the keys to the door rail is korolevishna belt. I know such a man of the sea, and he would get me such tuvalet. Sestritsynoy harder your work, but for my opposite the treasury not.
Bowed at the feet of the father and the daughter says less is such a word:
- Sovereign you are my dear sir! Vozi not you give me gold and silver brocade or black Siberian sable or necklaces burmitskogo or semi-precious crown nor tuvaleta crystal, and you fetch me a scarlet flower, which would not have been more beautiful in this world.
Thoughtful honest merchant stronger than ever. You never know how many times he thought for sure I can not tell; far-fetched, he kisses, caresses, prigolublivaet its smaller daughter, loved, and says those words:
- Well, you asked me to work harder Sestrins: if you know what to look for, how could not be found, and how to find what he did not know. Scarlet Flower is not tricky to find, but how do you know me that it is not beautiful in this world? I will try, and goodies not expect anything grand.
And he sent his daughters, good, comely in theirs towers maiden. He began to gather in the way of Dorozhen'ka in distant lands overseas. How long, how many he was going, I do not know, and I know not: soon be easier said than done. He had gone on a journey, during Dorozhen'ka.

Here goes an honest merchant stranger parties overseas at unprecedented kingdoms; He sells their products at exorbitant prices, buying the wrong vtridesheva, it changes to the goods and the goods of similar, but with the addition of silver gold; Golden Treasury ships load yes sends home. He found the coveted fairing for his eldest daughter, the crown with semi-precious stones, and from them a light in the dark night, as if in daylight.
To find a coveted fairing for his middle daughter: tuvalet crystal, and it is visible to all the beauty under heaven, looking at him, girlish beauty never gets old, and added. He can not only find the promised goodies for less favorite daughter - vermilion flowers, beautiful which would not be in this world.
It is situated in the royal gardens, royal and scarlet flowers Sultanovs many such beauty that no tale to tell, no pen to write; yes no it does not give bail, that beautiful flower that is not in this world; and he himself did not think that.
Here he rode by-road with his servants loyal to the sands flowing, forest primeval, and, out of nowhere, came down on him robbers, infidel, Turkish yes Native American, and saw trouble neminuchuyu throws an honest merchant, their caravans rich with the servants of his faithful and flees into the dark forest. "Let me devour de savage beasts than fall into the hands of predatory me, filthy, and live out their lives in captivity in captivity."
He wandered by the dense woods, impassable, impassable, and that goes on, the road becomes better, as if the trees to make way for him, and part of the bushes parted. Looks -ruki not push back, look to the right - the stumps but the deck, not the hare oblique slip, looks left - but also worse. Divuetsya honest merchant, he thinks not figure out what happened to him for a miracle takes place, and he is all but goes: under his feet road turn. He goes daily from morning till night, he hears the roar of the beast, or the hiss of the serpent, nor cry owl or bird voice: exactly about him all povymerli. Here come and the dark night; Circle it even pitch dark, and under his feet svetlehonko. That is it, read it, until midnight, and saw the glow ahead though, and he thought: "It can be seen, the forest is burning, so why should I go there to die neminuchuyu?"
Rotate it back - you can not go right, left - you can not go; He poked ahead - road turn. "Give'll stand in one place - maybe the glow goes in the other direction, away from me, Al, Al will be extinguished completely."

So he began, waiting; but there it was, exactly the glow goes to meet him, and seemed near him becomes lighter; he thought and thought and decided to do going forward. Two deaths do not happen, but one can not escape. He crossed merchant and went ahead. What is more, the lighter it becomes, and it became, honor, as day and not hear the noise and crackle of fire. It turns out he was at the end of the clearing wide, and the middle of one of the clearing broad a house is not a home, hall no palace, but the palace Royal or Royal, in flames, in silver and gold and a stone semi-precious, all the lights and light, and the fire can not see ; exactly red sun, Indus hard to look at him. All the windows in the palace of the solution, and it plays music consonant, which he had never heard of.
Part of it is a wide courtyard, the gates are wide, dissolved; the road went from white marble, and the sides of fountains of water, tall, big and small. He entered the palace stairs, strewn with crimson cloth with gold-plated handrails; He entered the chamber - there is none; the other, the third - there is none; in the fifth, tenth - there is none; and royal decorations everywhere, unheard and unseen: gold, silver, oriental Dotterel, ivory and mammoth.
Marvels honest merchant such unspeakable riches, and half that the owner is not; Not only the owner, and workers there; while the music plays smolkayuchi; and he thought in those days to myself, "All is well, but there is nothing" - and grew up before him a table, decked-cleaned: in a pot of gold but silver dishes are sugar, wine and overseas, and drinking the honey. He sat down at the table without Sumlenniy; I drank, ate their fill, because they do not eat the whole day; a dish that can be said - that and look what language swallow, and he, through forests and sand hodyuchi firmly hungry; He got up from the table, and there is no one to bow and say thank you for the bread of salt to no one. Before he could get up but look, and a table with a dish is gone, and the music plays umolkayuchi.
Divuetsya honest merchant such a miracle miraculous and this diva wondrous, and he goes through the wards Jeweled so admires, and he thought: "It would be nice now the nap so nap" - and sees in front of him a bed carved out of pure gold, with legs crystal, with a silver canopy, with fringe and tassels of pearl; jacket on it is like a mountain, soft feathers, swan.
Merchant marvels such new miracle, a new and wonderful; He lies on a high bed, draws the curtains and saw a silver, it is thin and soft, like silk. It was dark in the room, even in the twilight, and music plays as if from a distance, and he thought: "Ah, if my daughter ever see in a dream!" - And went to sleep in the same minute.

Wakes up the merchant, and the sun had risen above the trees standing. I woke up the merchant, and suddenly knew it could not: the night he saw in a dream of their daughters amiable, good and comely, and he saw his older daughters: senior and mid-they-veselёhonki cheerful and sad one daughter smaller, beloved; that the senior and mid-daughter has a rich suitors and that they are going to get married, without waiting for his blessing of his father; less the daughter of love, beauty Scripture about the bride and not hear, as long as it can not be undone dear sir. And it was in his heart and joyfully and happily.

He rose from the bed high, dress it all cooked, and a fountain of water in the bowl has a crystal; he dresses, washes, and certainly not a new miracle divuetsya tea and the coffee on the desk stand, and when they snack sugar. After praying to God, he nakushalsya, and he began again on the wards to walk again, to admire them in the light of the sun red. All seemed to him better than yesterday. Here he sees in the window dissolved, that the terms of the palace gardens divorced outlandish, prolific, and the flowers are blooming beauty indescribable. I wanted him in the gardens progulyatisya.

He is coming off another staircase of marble green malachite copper, with gold-plated railing, it goes directly into green gardens. Walks he admires: the trees hanging fruit ripe, rosy themselves in the mouth and asks the Indus, looking at them, mouth water; rasprekrasnye flowers grow, double, fragrant, with all sorts of colors painted; birds fly unseen: as if on velvet green crimson and gold and silver lined, sing songs of paradise; water fountains beat high, Indus look at them high above - to throw back his head; and run and noisy keys SPRING decks of crystal.
Walks honest merchant divuetsya; all these wonders fled his eyes, and he does not know what to look for and who to listen to.

He walked so much or how little time - unknown: Soon easier said than done. And suddenly he sees on prigorochka green flower flowers bloom scarlet, unprecedented and unheard of beauty that no tale to tell, no pen to write.
The Scarlet Flower. V. Aksakov

In the spirit of honest merchant is engaged; it is suitable to that flower; the smell of a flower garden around the stream running smoothly; and shaking hands and feet from a merchant, and he vozgovoril joyful voice:

- That's The Scarlet Flower, of no more beautiful in this world, of which the smaller daughter asked me, darling.

And, speaking with such a word, he walked over and ripped scarlet flower. At the same moment, without any clouds, lightning flashed and thunder, the Indus land reeled under their feet - and grew up as if out of the ground in front of the merchant beast beast, the man is not a man, as well as some monster, scary and hairy and his voice roared wild:

- What did you do? How dare you break into my garden, my reserve, a favorite flower? I kept it more than the apple of my eye, and every day, rejoiced at it glyadyuchi, and you deprived me of all the joy in my life. I am the master of the palace and the garden, I took you, as a dear guest and titles, fed, watered and packed bed, and you somehow commercials paid for my goods? Know their bitter fate: thou die for his guilt untimely death! ..

And countless wild voices from all sides screamed:

- You die an untimely death!

An honest merchant of fear shivering came, he looked around and saw that from all sides, from under every tree and bush, from the water out of the ground climbs to him the power of evil and the myriad, all ghosts ugly. He fell on his knees before the greater virulence host, hairy monster, and a plaintive voice vozgovoril:

- Oh you goy art Thou, O lord honest beasts of the forest, the sea a miracle how vzvelichat you - I do not know, I know not! Do not you destroy my soul for my Christian proderzost an innocent, do not order me to cut and execute, command word to utter. And I've got three daughters, the beautiful, the good and comely; I promised to bring them on the goodies: the eldest daughter - semi-precious crown, middle daughter - tuvalet crystal and youngest daughter - Scarlet Flower, what would not have been more beautiful in this world. The eldest daughter of goodies, I find, and the younger daughter could not find goodies; I saw a fairing in your garden - Scarlet Flower, a beautiful no white light, and I thought that such a master, rich, rich, glorious and mighty, will not be sorry flower vermilion about what asked my smaller daughter's favorite. I confess I'm in my wine before your majesty. Forgive me, irrational and stupid, let me go to my daughters birthmark and give me a flower scarlet goodies for my less favorite daughter. I'll pay you a treasury of gold that potrebuesh.

There was laughter in the forest, like the thunder roared, and the beasts of the forest vozgovorit merchant, the miracle of the sea:

- I do not need your golden treasury: its me nowhere to go. No you no mercy from me, and my servant will tear you to pieces right on the part of the fine. There's one for you salvation. I'll let you go home unscathed, reward treasury uncountable gifts scarlet flower, if you give me your word of honor Kupetsky and recording their hands, that you send yourself instead of one of his daughters, the good, comely; I have no grievances she did not do as well and it will live in my honor and expanse as you yourself lived in my palace. It was boring to me to live alone, and I want Zaluche yourself comrade.

So the merchant fell on damp earth, bitter tears pours; as one looks at the beasts of the forest, in the miracle of the sea, and as he remembered his daughters, good, Prigogine, and the forest, and that heart-rending scream voice painful was terrible beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea. A lot of time to kill and honest merchant drenched with tears and his voice plaintive vozgovorit:

- Mister honest beasts of the forest, the sea a miracle! And also as I have, if my daughters are good and comely, on their own do not want to go with you? Do not link the same to me their hands and feet so violently send? Yes, and how to get through to you? I went to you exactly two years, and for some places for some ways, I know not.

Vozgovoril merchant beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea:

- I do not want to slave: let your daughter come here out of love for you, his will and volition; And if your daughter does not go according to his will and volition, that he come, and I'll have you executed with cruel death. How to come to me - not your trouble; I'll give you a ring with my hand: who will put it on the right little finger, he got there, where desired, a single eye in the moment. Dates give you stay home for three days and three nights.
I thought and thought merchant thought strong and came up with this: "I would rather her daughters povidatisya give them his parental blessing, and if they save me from death will not want to, then prepare to die on the debt to the Christian and go back to the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea." Raised on his mind was not, but because he said that he had an idea. Beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, and already knew them; seeing him the truth, he records with his zaruchnoy not picked up and took off his arm a gold ring and gave it an honest merchant.
Only an honest merchant had put it on his right little finger as he found himself at the gate of his yard wide; at that time in the same gate he drove caravans of wealthy with servants faithful, and they brought the treasury and commodities tripled resist the former. Rose noise in the house and the hubbub, the daughter jumped up because of its hoop and embroider it with gold and silver silk his pants; Pocha they kiss his father, mercy and various pet names to call, and two older sisters fawn forest younger sister.
They see that my father somehow negligent and that he has a heart sadness sanctuary.
They began to question his older daughters, he has not lost his great wealth; less the daughter of wealth does not think, and she says her parents:
- I am your wealth superfluous; wealth will come with time, and you did open his grief serdeshny.
And if an honest merchant vozgovorit his daughters dear, good and comely:
- I have not lost his great wealth and treasury amassed three-four; and I've got another sorrow, and tell you about it tomorrow, but today we veselitisya.
He ordered to bring traffic trunks, iron-bound; He took out the eldest daughter of a crown of gold, the gold of Arabia, the fire does not burn, does not rust in water, with semi-precious stones; gets fairing seredney daughter tuvalet eastern crystal glass; gets smaller fairing daughter, golden pitcher with a flower Scarlet. The older daughter crazy with joy, took away their goodies in towers high and there in the open they laughed their fill. Only the smaller daughter, beloved, seeing flowered scarlet, shook all over and cried, just in her heart that stung. As her father vozgovorit such speech:
- Well, my dear daughter, sweetheart, you do not take your desired flower? It is not beautiful in this world.

It took daughter smaller flowered scarlet exactly reluctantly, fathers kissing hands, and she was crying bitter tears. Soon the older daughter ran, they attempted goodies father and can not recover from joy. Then they all sat down at the tables of oak, for cloths Bran dishes for sugar for honey-drinking; They began to eat, drink, prohlazhdatisya, honeyed speeches comforted. In the evening, guests come in large numbers, and became the home of the merchant polnehonek dear guests, relatives,, saints, hangers.
Before midnight, the conversation continues, and this was an evening feast of honest merchant in his home never seen, and where it was taken, could not guess it, and all that divovalisya: and utensils of gold and silver, and the food strange, no never the house had never seen.

Zautra summoned merchant eldest daughter, told her everything that had happened to him, everything word for word, and asked if she wanted to save him from death, cruel and go live with the beasts of the forest, to the miracle of the Sea? The eldest daughter has flatly refused and said:

- Let the one daughter and rescues his father for whom he took scarlet flower.
Called honest merchant to his other daughter, serednyuyu, told her everything that had happened to him, everything word for word, and asked if she wanted to save him from death, cruel and go live with the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea? Serednyaya daughter flatly refused and said:
- Let the one daughter and rescues his father for whom he took scarlet flower.
Called less honest merchant's daughter and became her all talk, all word for word, and did not have time to finish his speech, she became to her knees smaller daughter, favorite, and said:
- Bless me, Father dear sir, I'll go to the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea, and I will live with him. For me, you took a scarlet flower, and I need you to help out.
Burst into tears of honest merchant, he put his arm around her smaller daughter, loved, and said to her those words:
- My daughter, my dear, good, comely, and less beloved, be upon you my blessing parent that you rescues his father from death fierce and goodwill of its volition and go on habitation contrary to the terrible beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea. You will live in his palace in wealth and the great expanse; but where the palace - no one knows, does not know, and there is no road to it any equestrian or pedestrian or animal pryskuchemu or migratory birds. It will not be us from you no hearing, no news, and you from us even more. And how do I live out my bitter eyelids, face shalt not vidayuchi, gentle words of thee not slyhayuchi? I parted with you for ever, even you live in the land burial.
Vozgovorit father and daughter smaller, favorite:

- Do not cry, do not grieve, my dear sir sir; My habitation be rich, Privolnoe: the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, I was not scared, I will serve Him in faith and truth, the master's his will, and may he have mercy on me and. Do not mourn me, you live like the dead can, God willing, I'll get back to you.
Crying, crying honest merchant, such speeches are not comforted.
Resorted older sister, large and mid-raised crying around the house: you see, they feel sorry for hurting his younger sister, the beloved; and younger sister and does not seem to mind the sad, cries, groans, and not a long journey is going to the unknown.
It has been three days, and the third night, it's time to leave an honest merchant to part with her daughter less favorite; he kisses, it has compassion, bitter tears and pours puts it cross his parental blessing.
He takes out a ring beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea, of the casket wrought, wears a ring on his right pinkie less beloved daughter - and it was not the same minute with all its belongings.
Finding himself it in the palace of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, in the houses of the high, stone, on a bed of carved gold with legs crystal, on the down jacket down swan covered with gold damask, exactly it is and the place did not leave, even it a century there lived exactly It lays to rest so awake. The music began consonant which spawn she never heard.

She got it from the bed of down and sees that all her belongings and flowered scarlet in a jug gilded immediately stands decomposed and placed on the table green malachite copper, and that to the Chamber a lot of good and belongings of all, there is at than to sit, lie down, there what to dress up, there is something to look into. And there was a whole wall mirror and the other gilded wall and the third wall, all the silver, and the fourth wall of the bone and mammoth ivory, semi-precious rubies all decked; and she thought: "It must be my bedchamber."

I wanted her to see the whole palace, and she went to inspect all of its chambers are high, and it went a long time on all curios lyubuyuchis; One chamber was another beautiful and more beautiful being told honest merchant, sire of her dear father.
She took it from a jug gilt favorite flower scarlet, she went green gardens, and sang her own songs birds of paradise, and the trees, bushes and flowers waved their tops and even kneeled in front of her; We scored above the water fountains and louder murmur keys SPRING; and found it a place high, hill muravchaty, which tore the honest merchant scarlet flower, which is not beautiful in this world. And she took the Scarlet Flower from the jug gilt and wanted to put in place the former; but he flew out of her hand and stuck to the stem and still bloomed more beautiful than ever.

She marveled at this miracle miraculous, wondrous marvel, the flower was glad his vermillion, cherished, and went back to his palace chamber; and one of them is a table covered, and she thought:

"We see beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, I was not angry, and he will be gracious to me, sir," - on a white marble wall were the words of fire:

"I'm not your lord, and obedient servant. You're my lady, and all that you wish for, all that comes to mind you, I'm going to perform from the hunt."

She read the words of fire, and they were gone from the walls white marble, as if they had never been there.

And vspalo her mind to write a letter to his parents and to give him the news about himself. Before she podumati about how she sees before her paper lies golden pen with ink. She wrote a letter to my priest darling and his amiable sister:
"Do not cry for me, do not grieve, I live in the palace of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea as the korolevishna; most do not see and can not hear, and he wrote to me on the wall of white marble words of fire, and he knows all that is in my thought, and at that moment all the takes, and he does not want to be called my lord, and I call her mistress. "

Before she could write a letter and seal pripechatat as lost letter from the hands and from her eyes, as if he had not been here. The music began more than ever on the table were dishes, sugar, drinking the honey, all the dishes of pure gold. She sat down at the table veselehonka, but had never dined alone-odinoshenka; She ate, drank, slacking, music amused. After lunch, When the wolf, she lay opochivat; music played so loud and clear - for the simple reason, that it does not interfere with sleep.

After sleeping veseleshenka she arose and went again for a walk through the gardens green because she did not have time before lunch and half to bypass them a good look at all their curiosities. All trees, bushes and flowers in front of her bow down, but ripe fruit - pears, peaches and liquid apples - you climbed into her mouth. After walking a considerable time, read up until the evening, she came back in his high chamber, and sees it, the table is set, and the dishes are on the table sugar and honey-drinking, all excellent.

After dinner, she went to the chamber of white marble, where she read the words of the wall of fire, and she sees on the same wall again, the same words of fire:

"Are my mistress for its gardens and chambers of commerce, serving, and the servants?"

And vozgovorila voice joyful young daughter Kupetsky, the beauty of Scripture:

- Do not call me mistress, you, and you will always be my good lord, gentle and merciful. I am from your will never make a statement. And thank you for all your hospitality. Better your high chambers and your green gardens do not find in this world: now and how I would rather not have? I otrodjas never seen such miracles. I'm from such a diva has not come, and I'm afraid I only sleep alone: ​​in all your high-wards no human soul.

Appeared on the walls the words of fire:

"Fear not, my lady lovely: will not you sleep alone, waiting for you your girlfriend hay, faithful and beloved, and many in the chambers of the souls of men, and only you do not see them and did not hear, and they are all with me cherish you and Day and night: we will not give you the wind blow, and did not give speck board. "

And she went into the bedroom to rest his young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful scriptures, and saw her standing by the bed girl hay, faithful and beloved, and it costs a little fear alive; and she was delighted mistress, and she kisses her white hands, hugging her legs faster. Mrs. she was also pleased, I began to question her about the priest darling, about their older sisters and all his servants about the maiden; after she began to tell me that with her at this time happened; and they did not sleep until dawn white.

And began to live happily ever after young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful writings. Every day of her new outfits ready, rich furnishings and such that they have no price, no tale to tell, no pen to write; every day, treats and fun new, excellent: skating, a walk to music on chariots without horses and harness the dark forest; and those of the forest in front of her and parted the way gave her a broad, wide and smooth.

And she became engaged in needlework, needlework girlish, embroider his pants with silver and gold and the bottom of the fringe part pearls; send gifts to my father became my dear, but also the richest fly gave caressing his master, and, and the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea; and it was a day to day often go to the white marble hall, talking speech affectionate to his master gracious and read his answers on the wall and the fiery words of greetings.

You never know how many of the time elapsed: Soon easier said than done - became accustomed to his zhityu-bytyu young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful hand-written; anything not already divuetsya nothing frightened; are invisible to her servant, serving, shall, without the chariot ride horses, play the music in all of its commands perform. And she loved his master merciful every day, and she saw that no wonder he calls her his mistress and that he loves her forest itself; and she wanted his voice poslushati; I wanted to talk to him the story, without going to the Chamber of white marble, without reading the words of fire.

She began to pray about it and ask; Yes beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, not soon agree to her request, her voice frightened her fears; begged, she implored his master affectionate, and he could not be opposite to her, and he wrote it for the last time on the wall of white marble fire of words:

"Come now in a green garden, sit in their favorite arbor, leaves, twigs, flowers braided, and say this:

"Speak to me, my faithful servant."

And a little later vremechko ran a young daughter Kupetsky, the beauty of Scripture in the gardens green and come in a gazebo to your favorite, leaves, twigs, flowers braided, and sat on the bench brocade: and she says zadyhayuchis, beating heart at her, like birds caught, says those words:

- Do not be afraid of you, my lord, kind, gentle, frightened me with his voice, after all thy mercies shall I fear I do not roar animal; Speak with me opasayuchis.

And she heard, exactly who sighed for a gazebo, and a voice scary, wild and loud, hoarse and husky, and that he had spoken in a low voice. Flinched first young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful scriptures, hearing the voice of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, only the fear of their coping and mind to be frightened, not shown, and soon his words were gentle and friendly, speech intelligent and reasonable listened it and heard, and It was from her heart with joy.

Since then, from the young days they went to talk, read, all day - in a green garden for a walk, in the dark forests of Catania and in the houses of the high stakes ... just ask the young daughter Kupetsky, the beauty of Scripture:

- Where are you, my dear, beloved master?

Responsible forest animals, the miracle of the sea:

- Here, my lady beautiful, your faithful servant, unchanging friend.

And she is not frightened of his voice wild and terrible, and will tender their speech that they do not end.

It has little or much time there: soon the fairy tale, than done - young daughter wanted Kupetsky, beauty Scripture to see the eyes of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, and it was him that beg and plead. For a long time he did not agree to scare her fears, and he was such a monster that no tale to tell, no pen to write; not only people, a wild beast of his zavsegda awesome and their dens run. And he says beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea, those words:

- Do not ask, do not I pray you, my lady rasprekrasno, pretty darling, I have to show you my face opposite, my body ugly. I got used to the voice of you; we live with you in friendship and harmony with each other, read, not to be separated, and you love me for my love for you is indescribable, and seeing me, terrible and nasty, hate you me, unfortunate, banish you me out of sight, but apart from you I'll die of boredom.

I do not listen to these speeches Kupetsky young daughter, the beautiful hand-written and began to pray more than ever, to swear that nothing in the world is not afraid of ghosts, and that she will not stop loving his lord gracious, and said to him those words:

- If you are an old man - whether my grandfather if Seredovich - be my uncle, but if you are young - whether me the name of a brother, and I'm alive Pocol - whether my heart each.

Long, long beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, do not fall for these words, but could not requests and tears his beautiful opposite to be, and she says this is the word:

- I can not I'll be opposite for the reason that I love you Forest itself; I will fulfill your desire, although I know that I will destroy my happiness, and die an untimely death. Come to the green garden in the gray twilight that sit behind the forest red sun, and say, "Show me a true friend!" - And I'll show you my face opposite, my body ugly. And if will be too much for you anymore I have to stay, I do not want your captivity and torment eternal: you will find in his bedchamber, under his pillow, my gold ring. Put it in the right little finger - and found himself at the priest you darling, and nothing about me Nicoli will not hear. "

Not afraid, not afraid of firmly hoped the young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful writings. In those days, not delaying any minute, she went into a green garden dozhidatisya the lessons that hour, and when they came to the twilight gray, the sun sank behind the forest of red, she said: "Show me, my good friend!" - And it appeared from a distance beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea: he was just across the road and disappeared into the bush; vzvidela light and young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful scriptures, clasped her hands white, heart-rending voice cried out and fell on the road unconscious.
And was terrible beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea: a hand curves on hand claws animal, legs horse, front-to-rear humps great camel, all shaggy from top to bottom, his mouth stuck boar tusks, hooked nose, like the golden eagle and the eyes were owl.

Lie down for long or how little time opamyatovalas young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful scriptures, and hears someone crying next to her, pours bitter tears and plaintive voice he says:

- Killed you me, my beautiful mistress, not to see me more rasprekrasno your face, you do not want to even hear me, and send me to die an untimely death.

And she was sorry and ashamed, and she coped with her great fear and my heart timid maiden, and she said a firm voice:

- No, do not be afraid, my Lord is kind and gentle, I do not be afraid of your kind of trouble, I will not separate from you, do not forget your favors; show me now in its form daveshny; I just got scared for the first time.

Showed her the beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, in a terrible form, otherwise, ugly, only to come close to her did not dare, as she called him either; They walked up the dark of the night and led the conversation earlier, affectionate and intelligent, and sensed no fear young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful writings. The next day, she saw the beast of the forest, the wonder of the sea, when the sun shines red, and although at first, make out it was frightened and did not show any kind, and soon the fear of it really was.
Then they went to talk more than ever: all day long, read, not to be separated, for lunch and dinner dishes sugar is saturated pityami honey-dally, walked across the green gardens, without horses to ride on the dark forest.

And it was a long time ago: Soon easier said than done. One day, and I dreamed a dream Kupetsky young daughter, the beautiful Scripture that her father is ill; and he attacked her longing watchful and saw her in tears and anguish of the beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, and much zakruchinilsya and began to ask: why it is in anguish, in tears? She told him his evil dream, and began to ask him permission to see his priest darling sisters and their courtesy.

And vozgovorit her beasts of the forest, the miracle of the sea:

- Why you my permission? My gold ring you is, put it on the little finger of the right and found himself in the home of the father's darling. Stay with it until you get bored, and only I tell you: if you have exactly three days and three nights will never come back, it will not be me in this world, and I die yourselves with the same minute, for the reason that I love you more than himself, and to live without you I can not.

She began to certify cherished words and vows that exactly one hour to three days and three nights the gate to his high chamber. She's just a master of his tender and merciful, put on his right pinkie gold ring and found herself on a wide courtyard honest merchant, his father's darling.

She goes to a high stone porch of his chambers; passed over to her servants and retainers yard, raised a hue and cry; sisters ran his kind, and when they saw it, were given the divine beauty of her maiden and her along the royal, royal; They caught her by the arm and led him to the white priest darling; and my father was lying ill, ill and pass, day and night, it vspominayuchi, bitter tears oblivayuchis; and he remembered with joy when she saw her daughter a sweet, good and Prigogine, less beloved, and he marveled at the beauty of her maiden her along the royal, royal.

They kissed for a long time, be gracious, gentle speeches comforting. She told her father and her sisters darling senior, amiable, about his life and times of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, everything word for word, no crumbs not skryvayuchi. And rejoice honest merchant zhityu its rich, royal, royal, and wondered how she used to look at his master and is not afraid of the terrible beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea; he himself, of him vspominayuchi, sulky trembled. Sisters of the elders, listening about the untold riches of the younger sisters, and about her royal power over his master, as if over a slave to his own, was the Indus zavistno.

Day passes as a single hour, another day passes like a minute, and on the third day began to persuade older sister younger sister, that she was not tossed to the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea. "Let de okoleet, and the road to it ..." and was wroth with the older sisters Dear guests, younger sister, and said to them, these are the words:
- If I do my master a kind and gentle for all his grace and love hot, indescribable pay him with cruel death, then I will not be worth it to me to live in this world, and then I should give at the mercy of wild beasts.
And her father, an honest merchant, praised her for such a good speech, and was put to before the date exactly one hour the gateway to the beasts of the forest, the miracle of the Sea, the daughter of a good, comely, smaller, love. And then the sisters annoyance was conceived and are the work of a cunning, sly and evil thing; so they took all the clocks in the house an hour ago, the whole set, and did not know that an honest merchant and all his servants, servants yard.

And when he came to present hour, it was the young Kupetsky daughter's beauty to the Scriptures, the heart ache and schemit, exactly was something to wash away her and she looks every now and then to watch his father, from England, German - and all the sooner she embark on a long way. A sister with her talk, about this and questioned, pozaderzhivayut. But her heart was not sustained; bye daughter smaller, beloved, beautiful Scripture from the honest merchant, father dear, took his blessing parental leave of the sisters older, polite, with the servants faithful, servants of yard, and without waiting a single minute to an hour the lessons that, put a gold ring on right little finger and found herself in the palace of the white-stone, high in the chambers of the beast of the forest, the miracle of the sea, and divuyuchis he meets her, she cried with a loud voice:

- Where are you, my good lord, my faithful friend? What you did not meet? I returned ahead of schedule by a designated hour to minute.

No answer, not a greeting was not, there was a dead silence; in the green gardens of the birds do not sing songs of paradise, not fountains of water, and not noisy keys SPRING, no music played in the high chambers. Kupetsky heart fluttered at his daughter, the beautiful hand-written, Do you suppose she sensed evil; She ran around the House of the high and green gardens, a stentorian voice calling his master's good - there is nowhere an answer, not a greeting, and no voice of obedience. She ran to the hill muravchaty, where he grew up, adorned her favorite flower scarlet, and she saw that the beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, lies on the hill, holding Scarlet Flower their ugly feet.

And it seemed to her that he had fallen asleep, her dozhidayuchis and is now sleeping soundly. Start slowly wake him Kupetsky daughter, the beautiful Scripture - he can not hear; I began to wake up stronger, grabbed his paw shaggy - and sees that the beasts of the forest, the wonder of the sea, down and died, is dead ...

Clouded her eyes clear, knees buckled frisky, she fell to her knees, hugging his white head of his master good, nasty and ugly head and screamed heart-rending voice:

- You Arise, awake, my heart friend, I love you as the groom's desire! ..

And these are the only words she uttered, as a gleam of lightning from all sides, struck thunderbolt stone in muravchaty hill, and fell unconscious young daughter Kupetsky, beautiful writings. Much or how little time she lay unconscious - I know not; just waking up, she sees herself in the House of a high, white marble, it sits on a golden throne with precious stones and hugs her young prince, handsome hand-written on the head with the crown royal, clothing zlatokovanoy; it faces father and sisters, and all around on your lap is a great retinue, all dressed in brocade of gold, silver.

And vozgovorit her young prince, handsome hand-written on the head with the crown of the king:

- You fell in love with me, pretty darling, in the image of the ugly monster, good for my soul and my love for you; Falling in love is me now as a man, I am my bride wishes. The evil magician was angry with my parents of the deceased, the king of the glorious and mighty, stole me even a young child drew me into a monster terrible and imposed such a spell to live me in such a hideous, disgusting and terrible for every person, for every creature of God is there is a red girl, no matter what race and the title nor was it, and love me in the way
ghosts and wish to be my wife by law - and then all the magic is over, and I will again, I remain a man young and comely.

And I lived such a bogey and a bogey exactly thirty years, and entice me to my palace enchanted maidens eleven red, and you were eleven. Neither love me for my affection and pleasing, good for my soul. You're the one I fell in love, monster nasty and ugly, for my affection and pleasing, good for my soul, for my love to you the ineffable, and thou shalt be for a glorious wife of the king, the queen in the kingdom of the mighty.

Then all to marvel, to the formation of the earth shall bow. Fair merchant gave his blessing to her daughter less beloved and the young prince, the prince. And to congratulate the bride and groom's sister older, zavistnye and faithful servants, nobles and knights great martial and without the slightest delay began cheerful Pirkei yes for Noces, and lived happily ever after, happiness ever after. I myself was there, honey-beer drinking, his mustache dripping, but did not get into the mouth.


Phasellus facilisis convallis metus, ut imperdiet augue auctor nec. Duis at velit id augue lobortis porta. Sed varius, enim accumsan aliquam tincidunt, tortor urna vulputate quam, eget finibus urna est in augue.

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